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发布日期:2022-07-04 01:22:32 浏览次数:
Cathy讯 1月初,在印尼摩洛哇丽青山工业园(IMIP)的青山工业园钢结构项目开始采购,这标志着公司为印尼项目开启了全面建设的新篇章,奏响了开工的冲锋号。
印尼青山工业园区位于印尼中苏拉威西省摩洛哇丽县,离海岸约一公里,园区总规划用地约2000公顷,园区土地所有者、园区管理者为印尼经贸合作区青山园区开发有限公司(PT. IMIP)。该项目充分利用所在地周边丰富的镍矿资源,就地将资源优势转化,发展从镍矿开采到不锈钢热轧的产业链,建成全球不锈钢产业链最长、工艺流程最合理的不锈钢生产基地之一。青山工业园的建设对促进中国与印尼、中国与东盟之间的经济合作具有重要意义,可为印尼创造数万多个就业岗位。


An Introduction of Tsingshan Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park

Tsingshan Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park located in Morowali County, Bahodopi Town, Central Sulawesi Indonesia. The developer of the industrial park, also the land owner and park manager, is PT. Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) which is jointly invested and founded by Shanghai Decent Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. (a corporation of Tsingshan Steel, holding 66.25% shares) and Indonesia PT Bintangdelapan Group (holding 33.75% shares).
Park Project Profile:
1. The first admission project is Sulawesi Mining Investment Co., Ltd. (SMI) with an annual output of 300,000 tons of ferronickel and its supporting power plant project with a total investment of 628 million U.S. dollars. The project is financed by the China Development Bank and covers an area of ​​95 hectares. There are 4 Ø4.6 × 100m rotary kilns and 4 × 33000kVA ore-fired hot-blast furnaces in the project construction. The 2 × 65MW coal-fired power plants and public facilities and auxiliary facilities will be built in the same period, with an annual output of 300,000 tons of ferronickel containing 10% nickel. Construction started on July 16, 2013, and trial production was completed in January 2015. On May 29, 2015, Indonesian President Joko Widodo, came to the scene to formally launch the project.
2. The second project is production of 600,000 tons of ferronickel and its auxiliary power plant with an area of 86 hectares and a total investment of more than 1 billion U.S. dollars by PT. Indonesia Guang Ching Nickel and Stainless Steel Industry (GCNS), Equivalent 60,000 tons of nickel-iron alloy 600,000 tons, annual sales income about 1.2 billion US dollars. Started on May 2, 2014, it was on partial production on March 22, 2016.
3. The third project is a project to produce 1 million tons of stainless steel continuous casting billet and its auxiliary power plant by PT. Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) with a total investment of more than 800 million U.S. dollars and a land area of ​​90 hectares. The project is funded by China Development Bank with 570 million U.S. dollars long-term project financing. The construction started on July 28, 2015. After the project completed and put into production, the annual output of stainless steel slab will reach 1 million tons with sales income of about 2.2 billion U.S. dollars. The project will promote Chinese, Indonesian, other manufacturers to enter the park to build stainless steel downstream processing plants.
In addition, the PT. Indonesia Ruipu Nickel And Chrome Alloy company’s 600,000 Ton High-Carbon Ferrochrome (completed with energy recycling system in coking units) and 700,000 Ton Stainless Steel Cold Rolling Project, with a total investment of USD 460 million, covering an area of 40 hectares. After its completion, the annual sales revenue will reach 1.3 billion US dollars. With an annual output of 2 million tons of 1780MM hot rolling project, the total investment will be 200 million US dollars covering 50 hectares land area. After the project completed, the annual processing income will be about 164 million US dollars.